
Author: Guest

Seven ways to reduce your environmental impact in 2019 | part four – reduce single-use!

16th September 2019 Posted by

Posted by SUEZ recycling and recovery UK. Single-use products are a contributing factor that feeds the growing global plastic pollution problem, influencing many of us to seek a more sustainable lifestyle – Sir David Attenborough has taught us the impact that we have on our planet through the BBC’s Blue Planet II, which aired in 2018. As consumers, we can

Legislation update | Summer 2019

24th July 2019 Posted by

Posted by SUEZ recycling and recovery UK. In this update, we focus on matters that were topical throughout the first half of 2019. From our responses to the Waste and Resources Strategy consultations to an overview of various initiatives designed to tackle issues around plastics, food waste and a growing textile problem. We look at a number of emerging laws

Legislation update – Spring 2019

15th April 2019 Posted by

In this update, we focus on issues that were topical throughout the first quarter of 2019. We look at a number of emerging laws and initiatives and what they mean for you. Brexit On the 11 April 2019, the UK and EU agreed to extend the date of the exit of the UK to 31 October 2019. However, if the

That’s Christmas all wrapped up, or is it?

17th January 2019 Posted by

Posted by SUEZ recycling and recovery UK. For most of us we have wrapped Christmas up for another year, we have said farewell to family and friends, packed away our decorations and taken our trees to be recycled. As you may know from our top tips to reduce, reuse and #recycle4Christmas post we create a much higher amount of waste over Christmas

2018, a step towards a greener future?

15th January 2019 Posted by

Posted by SUEZ recycling and recovery UK. 2018, the year sustainability, recycling and waste continuously hit the headlines, many of us as individual and also businesses realised the impact that we have on our planet and how this needs to change to protect our resources of the future. There were many influencers in the industry bringing the planet top of

Top tips to reduce, reuse and #recycle4Christmas

13th December 2018 Posted by

Posted by SUEZ recycling and recovery UK. In the UK, we create a much higher proportion of waste during the festive period, in fact research shows that in the UK we generate 30% more waste than usual, which includes two million turkeys and six million Christmas trees! With this in mind, we thought we would share our favourite recycling tips and

Legislation update – Winter 2018

10th December 2018 Posted by

In this update, we focus on issues that were topical throughout 2018. We look at a number of emerging laws and initiatives and what they mean for you. UK Plastics Pact The UK Plastics Pact, a collaborative initiative that will create a circular economy for plastics, was launched on 26 April 2018. It brings together businesses from across the entire

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