
Tag: recycling rates

The state of local authority procurement and the challenges ahead

17th May 2018 Posted by

Posted by Dr Adam Read. Value for money, affordability and risk are without question the current watch words for our sector, and they are inextricably linked, and at the heart of all decisions about future service direction, from kerbside collections and recyclate processing, to residual treatment. These watch words featured heavily in the discussion during a recent CIWM webinar, from

Improving recycling rates on campus

17th October 2017 Posted by

Although freshers’ week has come to an end, there is still a buzz in the air. Universities and colleges across the country are bursting with eager students ready to take on the new academic year. This excitement brings new opportunities to improve environmental performance on campus. Understanding the waste streams that are generated on campus is a good step towards improving

Communicating data

18th July 2017 Posted by

The importance of science in our daily lives is taken for granted these days – no one would gainsay the impressive advances we have made these past two generations, in all aspects of life. But along with technological prowess we are paying an environmental price for the lifestyles we have come to expect and enjoy – pollution, waste, loss of

Brexit and the Circular Economy Package

23rd June 2017 Posted by

The publication of the European Union (Withdrawal) Bill, converting all extant EU laws into UK law, again brings into focus the likely fate of the EU’s Circular Economy Package (CEP) post-Brexit. All guesswork and supposition of course, since a forward-looking waste management vision and plan for the UK is conspicuously lacking at the moment. Incorporation of the CEP into UK

SUEZ warns against Brexit

18th March 2016 Posted by

Britain’s departure from the European Union (EU) would leave a large void in environmental policy and could undermine a decade of improvement, according to SUEZ recycling and recovery UK CEO, David Palmer-Jones. As the country moves closer to the EU referendum vote in June 2016, David warned that a move away from the EU might increase red-tape associated with the trade

England’s recycling rate is flatlining

23rd October 2015 Posted by

The news that Birmingham City Council (BCC) has not only missed its 2014/15 household waste recycling target of 35 per cent by six percentage points, but has also downgraded its 2015/16 target from 35 per cent to 30 per cent highlights many of the concerns SUEZ and others in the waste management sector have expressed to the new government. Firstly,

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