
Policy & Government

What’s next for the resources sector and the climate change agenda?

15th November 2021 Posted by

Blog written by Sarah Ottaway, Sustainability and Social Value Lead at SUEZ recycling and recovery UK. As you read this, the dust will be settling on the final commitments and agreements made from the COP26 negotiations. Even though I’m writing this before the negotiations have concluded, I’m confident that tackling consumption, food waste or any major commitments related to reducing

The future of business must be the triple bottom line

22nd October 2021 Posted by

Blog by Dr Adam Read, Director of External Affairs at SUEZ recycling and recovery UK.  With the world now waking up to the perfect storm of climate, biodiversity and social crises, it is clear that businesses and other organisations must play their part fully in tackling these issues head on, because without the private sector delivering its best foot forward, we

Resource strategy alignment – let the debates begin!

22nd October 2021 Posted by

Blog by Dr Adam Read, Director of External Affairs at SUEZ recycling and recovery UK. This blog was originally posted by EfW Net. Welcome back! I trust you are all rested after your summer break, albeit it was another odd summer given changing travel conditions and any number of COVID variant outbreaks in our favoured locations. It seems things are settling

How the Emissions Trading Scheme can help the waste sector meet decarbonisation targets

22nd July 2021 Posted by

Blog by Stuart Hayward-Higham, Technical Development Director at SUEZ recycling and recovery UK. Carbon, net zero and climate change are a key focus of governments, businesses and citizens across the world, especially when brought into stark focus through the exceptional heat and rainfall events of recent weeks. Whilst keeping an eye on resource consumption, natural capital and biodiversity net gain,

Consultations 2021: The fundamental importance of evidence

30th April 2021 Posted by

Blog by Stuart Hayward-Higham, Technical Development Director at SUEZ recycling and recovery UK. The first of our deep-dive EPR and DRS discussion workshops with our customers focused on the importance of evidence in the systems being proposed in the recent waste and resources sector consultations from DEFRA. By approaching evidence in a systematic way we were able to translate the

Consultations | Exploring the impact of the upcoming policy reforms

15th April 2021 Posted by

Blog by Dr Adam Read, External Affairs Director, SUEZ recycling and recovery UK Earlier this week we started our series of online workshops and webinars focused on the recently released DEFRA consultations on Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and Deposit Return Schemes (DRS) that are planning to significantly reshape packaging design, recycling and recovery for the next 20 years. Our first

Significant policy reforms – have your say

7th April 2021 Posted by

Blog by Dr Adam Read (External Affairs Director, SUEZ recycling and recovery UK) The wait is over After almost two years of waiting, mostly as a result of COVID which has been understandable, DEFRA has finally published its second set of consultations on 24 March 2021, relating to extended producer responsibility (EPR) and a proposed deposit return scheme (DRS). The

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