
Tag: waste industry

CIWM’S New Member Network lays the foundations for the sector of tomorrow

30th May 2018 Posted by

Post by Dr Adam Read. I always look forward to May. Not because the weather starts to turn for the better, or because the athletics and cricket seasons kick in to gear, but because it is the spiritual home of the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management’s (CIWM) Annual New Members Network (NMN) two-day conference and site tours. As an original

Who makes the recruitment decision?

9th December 2014 Posted by

At a recent meeting with my resourcing team, we were discussing a concept of ‘on-boarding’ – a strategic process of engaging with new employees that goes beyond standard induction by providing information, training, mentoring and coaching throughout the transition. The manager of the resourcing team was looking at making the recruitment and induction process more efficient – bringing a piece

Considering employer brand

18th November 2014 Posted by

The concept and meaning of an ‘employer brand’ has been widely discussed by human resource teams of our parent company, SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT, and here at SITA UK. Discussion around this topic has made me wonder what makes people join SITA UK. What is the overall message and impression that we give to potential employees?

MEPs push for the Circular Economy Package

18th November 2014 Posted by

The new term of the European Commission has commenced with a Commission Work Programme (CWP) proposed by President Jean-Claude Juncker and First Vice President Franz Timmermans. As many waste-watchers suspected from President Juncker’s cool reception earlier, the Circular Economy Package introduced by outgoing Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik has not received an unqualified green light in the draft CWP. The so-called

New business model requires new skills

4th November 2014 Posted by

In my last blog, I talked about the way that the ‘waste industry’ was changing. This change is particularly apparent in the new types of jobs we now have to recruit for at SITA UK. The number of these new roles has steadily increased over the last three to four years, but it is now really gathering pace. So, what

The EAC and EFRA reports give Defra and the next Government a useful route map

3rd November 2014 Posted by

The Government’s response to the Environmental Audit Committee’s Inquiry Growing a Circular Economy: Ending the Throwaway Society contains the now-familiar mixture of mild ambition and platitudes that characterised its evidence before the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee’s Inquiry Waste Management in England. There, the Government was taken to task for ‘stepping back’ precisely at a time when vision, a

EFRA Committee reports on state of waste management in England

24th October 2014 Posted by

Defra may have hoped that fences had been mended with the waste management sector since its now infamous letter last November, which announced that it would be “stepping back from areas where there was no sign of market failure”. However, those hopes must surely have been dashed by the publication of the House of Commons Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

The industry is changing

20th October 2014 Posted by

I will soon celebrate my 12-year stint in the ‘waste industry’, as the recycling and resource sector was once referred to. I have done a lot of interviewing recently and was asked by one of the candidates why, after more than a decade, I was still in the waste business and working for SITA UK. The answer I gave was

If young people are disengaged, whose problem is that?

17th October 2014 Posted by

The headline from a recent YouGov poll examining public attitudes towards recycling was that Britain’s so-called Facebook generation (youth aged 18-24) “are the most apathetic generation when it comes to recycling waste”. Apparently only 57 per cent of 18-24 year olds admitted to being committed recyclers, with 71 per cent thinking recycling was not their personal responsibility. In contrast, the

Diary from a cargo vessel taking refuse derived fuel to Sweden

18th August 2014 Posted by

Name: Robert ‘Bob’ Pollock Job title: Senior Site Manager Bob’s normally in charge of a number of sites in Newcastle. However, for one week this spring, he ran off to sea.. on a cargo vessel taking refuse derived fuel to Sweden – which was filmed as part of a BBC documentary on the waste industry.

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