
Human Resources

The New Year’s resolutions

25th January 2016 Posted by

For most of us January is the time of making resolutions, as we enter the new year and are getting ready for all its challenges and opportunities. Maybe we will trot out the old favourites … joining a gym, giving up smoking or perhaps drinking less, but we all know that many of these resolutions fall by the wayside by the

Engagement survey – focus on manual employees

17th November 2015 Posted by

Our organisation is made up of over 300 sites spread from the very north of Scotland to the tip of Cornwall. With many sites having as few as five employees our supervisors and managers are spread out widely, and often have responsibility for a number of sites at different locations. This has always presented us with the challenge of ensuring

Employee engagement survey – the results

10th November 2015 Posted by

Just over a month ago our ‘U Say’ employee engagement survey for 2015 came to a close. Running up to this survey I was concerned about the return rate, as we changed the information collection method moving from a paper-based to an electronic format for a large section of employees – in fact, nearly 80 per cent of our staff

‘U say’ – our employee engagement survey

18th August 2015 Posted by

Last week we’ve started the promotional activities for the ‘U Say 2015’ survey – a company-wide employee engagement questionnaire arranged by SUEZ in the UK every other year. For the third time running we are being supported in this process by the Best Companies, an independent research company that helps organisations gain competitive advantage by measuring, recognising and improving employee

Recruitment challenges during the rebrand process

11th August 2015 Posted by

A rebrand is an exciting, yet challenging project for any company, but never underestimate the time and the effort involved in it. There are a thousand of things to think about, we know it, we’re going through the rebrand process ourselves, as SITA UK changes its name to SUEZ.

“Get hired. Love your job”

21st July 2015 Posted by

In my previous blogs I wrote extensively about employee engagement, employer brand, and changes in the industry that require a whole raft of new skills. I also mentioned the concept of on-boarding, a strategic process of engaging with new employees that goes beyond standard induction by providing information, training, mentoring and coaching throughout the transition.

The challenge of employee engagement (Part two: The feedback)

12th May 2015 Posted by

In a business spread over approximately 300 locations around the country, the logistics of feeding back the results of surveys to all employees is quite a challenge. While we spent time considering how to convey the feedback, and when to do it, there is one principle that is paramount to us – the belief that each and every line manager

We take time to talk and listen

28th April 2015 Posted by

One of our values, here at SITA UK, is ‘Communication’ – meaning that we take the time to talk and listen to one another and our customers. This value is very important to us every day, but it’s under the spotlight once a year when the management committee travels around the country to update our managers and supervisors on the

The challenge of employee engagement (Part one: Trust)

23rd January 2015 Posted by

While a little late, can I wish all of you a happy new year – I hope it is a good one for you. For the next few weeks, I would like to talk specifically about the challenge of employee engagement – even though I may have alluded to it in passing in previous blogs. 2015 is a big year

Who makes the recruitment decision?

9th December 2014 Posted by

At a recent meeting with my resourcing team, we were discussing a concept of ‘on-boarding’ – a strategic process of engaging with new employees that goes beyond standard induction by providing information, training, mentoring and coaching throughout the transition. The manager of the resourcing team was looking at making the recruitment and induction process more efficient – bringing a piece

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