
Author: Guest

Invest to Grow: Fast-track to digital

8th October 2018 Posted by

Posted by Arthur Goujon, Head of digital at SUEZ recycling and recovery UK SUEZ is a global leader in recycling, waste and water management, present over all five continents. In the UK alone, we handle over 10 million tonnes of waste every year, out of which 8.5 million tonnes is recycled or recovered. A large part of our business is collecting

Making your white Christmas green!

18th December 2017 Posted by

With less than one week to go until the Christmas holidays kick off in all their glory, the increasing media coverage of all things ‘Christmas’ has got me thinking about the festive period. Throughout my years in the waste and resource sector I am always looking for new ways to reduce waste and increase reuse that are simple and easy

Christmas cheer or environmental nightmare?

14th December 2017 Posted by

At this time of the year I unleash my inner-Scrooge and often find myself thinking of the over-consumption, gratuitous spending and general wastefulness that accompany the festive season. But, bear with me for a few minutes, as I think there are some important decisions to be made at this time of year. Children as drivers of consumption The advertising for

DRS is helping to facilitate a materials value chain that works for all

10th November 2017 Posted by

Deposit Return Schemes (DRS) are very much flavour of the moment. Since the summer months we have heard the Scottish environment secretary Roseanne Cunningham openly come out in favour of a deposit return scheme for plastic bottles and cans in Scotland, with a range of organisations are now working together north of the border to assess the scope, design and

Improving recycling rates on campus

17th October 2017 Posted by

Although freshers’ week has come to an end, there is still a buzz in the air. Universities and colleges across the country are bursting with eager students ready to take on the new academic year. This excitement brings new opportunities to improve environmental performance on campus. Understanding the waste streams that are generated on campus is a good step towards improving

Summer 2017 – View from the Bridge

15th August 2017 Posted by

Andy Hill, Market Development Director at SUEZ recycling and recovery UK reports his views on the latest regulations within the wood recycling sector. As I sit here gathering my thoughts as to what to share with you, I can’t help but feel a sense of déjà vu or in other words…here we go again on the merry-go-round of regulatory review!

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