
Human Resources

Passing the agility test – the work has just begun

28th September 2020 Posted by

The COVID-19 pandemic may be unprecedented, but like most if not all previous crises, it has accelerated change. Most obvious is the shift to working from home. When push came to shove – or rather, pandemic to shutdown – many organisations and employees surprised themselves with their own agility. But of course, agile working means more than working from home,

How to be in the room, when meeting virtually

17th August 2020 Posted by

As a business we’ve been promoting tele-conferencing for internal meetings for over 10 years and more recently video meetings with our introduction of Microsoft Teams. Along with car sharing, it is one of many SUEZ’s initiatives for managing the carbon footprint of our activities. The need to have a fairly large number of our people working remotely has certainly increased

Feeling our way on the road to recovery

6th August 2020 Posted by

When going back to work after a summer holiday, maternity leave or being off sick, it’s not unusual to have mixed feelings. After months of lockdown amid a pandemic that has turned lives upside down, those feelings can run to new extremes. Some of our people have been ‘virtually’ hammering the office door to be allowed back in so they

#EachforEqual – International Women’s Day at SUEZ

9th March 2020 Posted by

This past year has seen great progress for women and girls around the globe. From Jessica Meir and Christina Koch being the first all-female team to step into space from US space agency NASA to Roula Khalaf being appointed the next editor of the Financial Times, the first woman to do so since it was founded in 1888. In 2019,

2020 talent development and sector professionalism

7th January 2020 Posted by

After two years in post with SUEZ in the UK, I can officially say that I am suitably impressed with the training programmes available for all employees, and the succession planning and career development opportunities. These initiatives and programmes have enabled SUEZ to retain employees longer than is the average for our sector. As someone that has specialised in consultancy,

Our ‘wellness for all’ vision

19th November 2019 Posted by

Posted by Dr Tracey Leghorn, HR Director at SUEZ recycling and recovery UK. On 21 November, SUEZ Group is holding its first global Health Day where we’ll be raising awareness about our commitment to the health and wellbeing of all our people. Our activities will extend beyond the day. Throughout the week we’ll be holding health webinars to share best

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