
Human Resources

Engaging employees with a purpose

5th May 2021 Posted by

Among the many issues thrown into stark reality by the coronavirus pandemic, one stands out for business – the importance of purpose. Leaders and businesses with a sense of purpose seem more relevant now. Companies and employees that share a common purpose are also more effective. And they’re needed more than ever as we face up to our most formidable

Working out the consequences of Covid

19th April 2021 Posted by

Just as new laws can have unintended consequences, relaxing the rules can too. One apparently benign result of the pandemic has been the recognition by many organisations that employees can work productively from home – at least for a proportion of the time.

Rising to the (unequal) challenge

8th March 2021 Posted by

It’s become a cliché to say that we live in challenging times. The pandemic has sorely tested public services, business models and assumptions about our ways of working. But it has proved particularly challenging for women.

Compassion – a compass for business leaders, cultures and outcomes

17th February 2021 Posted by

Compassionate leadership is a concept that’s been debated and advocated for at least a decade now. Despite inevitable scepticism in a ‘cut-throat’ world of competition, many in both the private and public sectors have been won over by the appeal of a style of management which fosters humanity. And now, as we work through the pandemic, the need for compassion

The apprentice – you’re hired and highly regarded

8th February 2021 Posted by

National Apprenticeship Week is always something to celebrate, but this year – amid all the disruption to schools and young people’s education – it seems more important than ever. If anything, in the aftermath of the pandemic, the value of apprenticeships to trainees, employers and UK Plc is set to grow even faster than it would otherwise have done.

A burning issue of our times

19th January 2021 Posted by

The country is braced for the peak of the winter wave of Covid-19, and concerned not only by the rising toll of casualties, but also the inordinate pressure on NHS staff. As managers and HR professionals, we too need to be mindful of the toll on the mental health of our own people, now more than ever.

Can Covid shift the needle on equity at home and at work?

19th November 2020 Posted by

A lot has been written, since the onset of Covid-19, about how it has accelerated change. The huge shift to home working amid the pandemic is the most obvious. And it, in turn, has unfolding ramifications for urban offices and shops, the housing market, public transport services, traffic levels, and more. But could these impacts also include speeding up progress

Trust matters – in good times and bad

21st October 2020 Posted by

Who do you trust in a crisis? It’s a question we answer instinctively as we think of friends and family. Amid the coronavirus pandemic, that same question has been asked ever more increasingly in respect to companies, government and other institutions.

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