
Circular economy

Seven ways to reduce your environmental impact in 2019 | part four – reduce single-use!

16th September 2019 Posted by

Posted by SUEZ recycling and recovery UK. Single-use products are a contributing factor that feeds the growing global plastic pollution problem, influencing many of us to seek a more sustainable lifestyle – Sir David Attenborough has taught us the impact that we have on our planet through the BBC’s Blue Planet II, which aired in 2018. As consumers, we can

We must build momentum beyond plastics

6th August 2019 Posted by

Posted by Dr Adam Read. Firstly I promise to keep this short, as I am about to head off on a family holiday, and secondly events over the last few weeks have left me in a reflective mood. About this time last year I wrote a piece for RWW named ‘clutching at straws’, where I was surprised by the level

Is England’s planning system able to cope with the demands of the new Resource and Waste Strategy?

6th June 2019 Posted by

Posted by Dr Adam Read. The last 20 years has seen the UK switch from being landfill dominated, to one which has a healthy mix of recycling and energy recovery. But this transition hasn’t been easy, and in many respects the transition has been delivered despite a significant degree of misalignment between national policies and targets and local decision making,

Our plastic journey continues

20th May 2019 Posted by

Working through the Resource and Waste Strategy and its four consultation documents made me reflect on how busy we were irrespective of the policy process. One very active area has been the subject of plastics, their production, consumption, discarding and impacts when lost in the wider environment. Plastic-to-diesel SUEZ has been collecting, sorting and recycling the more recognisable plastics for

The UK waste sector can play a pivotal role on the climate change debate

15th May 2019 Posted by

Posted by Dr Adam Read. The last few weeks have seen media attention return (hopefully not for a limited time only) from Brexit to global climate change. With the release of Sir David Attenborough’s fine BBC documentary ‘Climate Change – the facts’ and the release of the UK Committee on Climate Change’s report ‘Net Zero – the UK’s contribution to stopping global warming’ which highlighted which

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