
Circular economy

Brands talk about sustainability, but are they making a genuine difference?

30th January 2020 Posted by

We all know how the rise of Greta Thunberg and David Attenborough’s Blue Planet II in 2017 have provoked the public’s consciousness around environmental issues and our climate as well. These influential factors followed the United Nations forming the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015. Working with governments, companies, start-ups, NGOs and other organisations, they plan to solve some of

Plastic not so fantastic? The debate continues…

23rd January 2020 Posted by

The Circular Economy Task Force For the last 18 months SUEZ has been active an member of the Circular Economy Task Force – a business group convened by the Green Alliance as a forum for policy discussion, innovation and business thinking around resource use in the UK. The Group is chaired by Dr. Colin Church, Chief Executive of IOM3, and the

2020 talent development and sector professionalism

7th January 2020 Posted by

After two years in post with SUEZ in the UK, I can officially say that I am suitably impressed with the training programmes available for all employees, and the succession planning and career development opportunities. These initiatives and programmes have enabled SUEZ to retain employees longer than is the average for our sector. As someone that has specialised in consultancy,

Top tips for tendering at your local authority

16th December 2019 Posted by

Somerset Waste Partnership recently completed a successful tender for the council’s waste collection options, despite challenging circumstances. Following the release of the reflective guide from all parties involved in their recent recycling and waste collection contract a recent webinar was co-hosted by SUEZ recycling and recovery UK and shared the procurement process of the Somerset Waste Partnership. The panel

Collaboration: the resource sector and beyond

2nd December 2019 Posted by

The last month has certainly been busy when it comes to events in the resources and waste industry. Our advent calendars are ready and waiting to begin the countdown to Christmas, and it seems many have managed to squeeze their events and workshops in ahead of the festivities. It’s been an opportune time to make the most of the knowledge

Conference season is upon us and the take-home messages are a mixed bag

14th October 2019 Posted by

Posted by Dr Adam Read. The last month has been perhaps the most hectic period of the year. I began with a manic two days of workshops, panels, and client engagement at the RWM, followed by a series of internal briefings, policy updates, and customer conferences. Then came Recycle Week, Recoup’s annual conference, the Scottish Resources Conference, and, of course,

Weirdest items we find in our recycling facilities

17th September 2019 Posted by

Posted by SUEZ recycling and recovery UK. SUEZ in the UK manages recyclable material collected from over five million households. This means that we often find some unusual items on the conveyor belts at our materials recycling facilities. Buy milk, feed the cat, water plants, take out recycling bin…the list of household chores goes on, and sometimes we have a

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