
Environmental issues

12 top tips for a greener Christmas

3rd December 2020 Posted by

This year has been like no other, full of uncertainly, anxiety and worry. One thing that is certain though is Christmas, and the mountain of waste that comes with it. Retailers will traditionally plan their festive sales, tempting us all to part with our hard-earned cash. While those of us taking care of waste collections across the country, are also

Sustainability is good business

6th November 2020 Posted by

Pressure on retail and hospitality sectors is mounting There is little doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic has tested the resilience of UK businesses in all sectors. Business face dealing with front line staff absences, increasing service demand – online retail and waste management for example – and the furloughing of staff with uncertainty about their return to work. Not to

Collaboration, clarity and consistency – a call to arms from the recent SUEZ Customer Conference

7th October 2020 Posted by

Being positive One of the things I really look forward to each year since joining SUEZ, has been our  customer conference for local authority clients, when over the course of two days we provide an informal and welcoming environment in which our customers, from collection, processing and disposal contracts around the UK, can come and learn about sectoral developments, can

Consumption patterns that must change | so what’s next as lockdown eases?

21st August 2020 Posted by

Blog by Dr Adam Read (External Affairs Director, SUEZ recycling and recovery UK) We live in interesting times, and even during the global pandemic, the growing interest of the media, consumers and society at large, on the waste and resources sector has continued. The sector’s frontline staff have been thanked on many occasions for continuing to work through the lockdown,

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