
Hammond’s Plastic Tax and Defra consult on banning single-use plastics, but what’s next for our resources & waste sector?

6th November 2018 Posted by

Posted by Dr Adam Read. Late October saw Defra launch its consultation on banning the distribution and sale of plastic straws, plastic-stemmed cotton buds and plastic drink stirrers in England. Defra is particularly keen to hear views and read evidence concerning additional costs or constraints to business of the proposed ban, what the impact might be on the price per

We must engage in the discussions, share insights and help shape the future

9th October 2018 Posted by

Posted by Dr Adam Read. It seems a long time ago, but August was busy this year. Busier than normal given the ongoing work Defra have been doing in preparation for the hotly anticipated Resources & Waste Strategy, now expected in November. Given the workloads, I was both dreading and feeling quite excited about September, a month where I was

Invest to Grow: Fast-track to digital

8th October 2018 Posted by

Posted by Arthur Goujon, Head of digital at SUEZ recycling and recovery UK SUEZ is a global leader in recycling, waste and water management, present over all five continents. In the UK alone, we handle over 10 million tonnes of waste every year, out of which 8.5 million tonnes is recycled or recovered. A large part of our business is collecting

SUEZ site-seeing | Part 18 | Devon County Council Household Waste Recycling Centre in Pinbrook Road, Exeter

1st October 2018 Posted by

Post by Dr Adam Read. SUEZ has operated Pinbrook Road Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) for five years and the contract was renewed in April 2017. We operate 18 HWRCs on behalf of Devon County Council managing 90,000 tonnes of waste per year – and approximately 80% of that waste is recyclables. In addition to the HWRC’s, we operate two

Ensuring local authority tendering is effective, affordable and pain free

5th September 2018 Posted by

Posted by Dr Adam Read. Local authorities have suffered over recent years due to ongoing austerity and have been asked year on year to do more with less. This has in some cases put services at risk, allowed contamination levels to rise, restricted communication campaigns to the bare minimum and increased tension between authorities and their contractors. This backdrop has

Ready for the resource revolution

3rd September 2018 Posted by

Posted by Dr Adam Read. It is only three months ago that a few colleagues and I met with our CEO, David Palmer-Jones, to discuss the complexity of our sector and the possible headaches facing Defra as they grappled with developing their new Resources & Waste Strategy. He was keen that we support them in any way possible and committed

SUEZ site-seeing | Part 15 | Aberdeen Household Waste Recycling Centre’s and Transfer Stations

24th August 2018 Posted by

Following a successful and busy morning at the Aberdeen materials recycling facility (MRF) and refuse derived fuel (RDF) site, checking out the processing engineering my next stop was at the local household waste recycling centres that SUEZ operate on behalf of Aberdeen City Council. Stop two | Aberdeen Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) SUEZ recycling and recovery UK operate five

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